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Meet the Team

Our Staff 

We have an experienced and dedicated group of teachers, assistants and administrators who strive to create a supportive, exciting and challenging atmosphere to engage, inspire and nurture our pupils.

September 2024-2025:

Chair of Governors Mr Willcock  
Headteacher Ms Ness  
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Watson  
Assistant Headteacher Mrs Burdon  
Teachers Teaching Support Classroom Support
Year 6 Mrs Burdon SENco Miss Husband TA Y6 Miss Hastie
Year 6 Mrs Manson HLTA Y5 Miss P Wilson TA Y3 Mrs Usher
Year 5 Miss Willis HLTA Y4 Mme Chachou TA Y2 (0.5) Mrs Gates
Year 4 Miss Wood HLTA Y2 (0.5) Mrs B-Watson TA Y1 Miss Garner 
Year 3 Miss Hilldrith HLTA Rec/PE Coach Mr Wylie TA Rec Miss Brown
Year 2 Miss Grant Psychotherapist Kayleigh TA Rec 1:1 Miss A Wilson
Year 1 Mrs Turner & Miss E Martin      
Rec Miss Hill Administration Site Management
    Admin Assistant Mrs Campbell Caretaker Mr Mills
    Admin Assistant Mrs Dowson Cleaner Miss Lowery
        Cleaner Mr Bowie
Catering   Lunchtime & Breakfast Club Support    
Cook Mrs Reay Assistants Mrs Purvis Miss Scouler Miss Dalton
Assistant Mrs Hawman   Mrs Douthwaite Miss K Martin  
Assistant Ms Lamb   Ms Wombwell Mrs Griffiths  

There are no school employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.